Welcome to Sharc!!!
Any argument that has a space or special character in it
should be enclosed in double quotes. It is a good idea to
do that to almost all arguments
--debug | el <level>
Change the level of debug information that is output. A higher
number means more information.
--debugfile | ef <filename>
Cause the debug information to be printed to a file rather
than to standard out.
--port | cp | Cp <portname>
Specify the port name (ie /dev/ttyS0).
--databits | ca | Ca <databits>
Number of data bits
--stopbits | cs | Cs <stopbits>
Number of stop bits
--parity | cy | Cy
Use parity
--baud | cb | Cb <baud rate>
Baud rate to connect to local device
--connectvia | cv | Cv <type>
Type of connection: modem, freewave, direct
--phonenumber | cd | Cd <phone number or freewave serial number>
Phone Number or freewave slave serial number. Freewave Slave
serial number should be only digits
--freewave | fs | Cfs
--repeater | fr | Cfr <callbook number of repeater path>
Callbook entry number for repeater path to use
--initstring | ci | Ci <modem init string>
Initialization string for the modem or other local device
--verifycode | vc | Vc <Site code to verify> NOT WORKING
Verify site code in receiver against this argument to make
sure we are connected to correct receiver.
--fatfile | l | L <filename>
Filename for output of File Allocation Table
--sumfile | s | S <filename>
Filename for sumfile output. defaults to standard out
--getid | i | I
Get ID from receiver. Used to check serial link to receiver
without doing anything else.
--downloadindex | di | Di [<index> <timerange> <session>]
--downloadindexsess | dis | Dis
--downloadtime | dt | Dt
--downloadtimesess | dts | Dts
All of these options are now the same and take the same set of arguments.
I will probably deprecate these to --download in the near future.
At least one of <index> or <timerange> must be supplied. <session>
is always optional.
<index> = any comma separated list of numbers or number ranges (ie 1-5).
<timerange> = <time>-<time>
<time> = GPSWeek/GPSSec or
Year/Month/Day[:hour[:minute[:second]]] or
Hour defaults to 00 in first time and 23 in second
Minute defaults to 00 in first time and 59 in second
Second defaults to 00 in first time and 59 in second
Specifying both an index list and a time range translates to a logical
"and". The time range must occur in the list of indexes. All indexes
matching the time range will be downloaded.
I do not recommend using the session argument unless only a single
file is being downloaded.
example to download data from Julian Day 117 year 2001 if it occurs
in the first 10 indexes or the 13th index:
--di "1-10,13 2001/0/117-2001/0/117"
--joinfiles | jf NOT WORKING
Join all files within a time range into one file.
--purgeindex | pi | Pi <index> <WeekStart/SecStart-WeekEnd/SecEnd>
--purgetime | pt | Pt
All of these options are now the same and take the same set of arguments.
See the explanation for --downloadindex
--downloadall | da | Da
Download all files except currently active file.
--purgeall | pa | Pa
Purge all files except currently active file.
--session <start_sec,end_sec,interval,elevation_mask,minsv> or
Add a session starting at start_sec seconds after the beginning
of the day, stopping end_sec seconds after the beginning
of the day, with interval, elevation_mask, and minsv as requirements.
Interval can be a floating point number. Enclose the four
arguments in quotes. Multiple sessions can be programmed
by supplying this switch multiple times.
number of hours per session. Valid number for hours are
1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24 minsv and mask will default to 1 and 0
respectively. Interval is supplied as second argument
--help | h | H
--receivertype | type | rx